Throw Pillows: She With the Most Wins
Anybody else have… I don’t know, an obsession maybe, with throw pillows?
I love them.
I think I must subconsciously operate under the mindset of “she with the most pillows wins.” That can be the only reason we have as many pillows as we do….
It’s not just throw pillows either. I sleep with 5 (yes FIVE) pillows at night. Jason claims it’s because I’m not a snuggly sleeper, but he doesn’t share the full story! One of the first nights we were home from our honeymoon, Jason punched me in my arm in his sleep (I kid you not). And when I woke up yelling “OUCH!”… did he wake up and profusely apologize for hurting his new bride? No. That fella stayed asleep and punched me a second time! (I’ve heard about the honeymoon period being over, but….) So SEE, those pillows are there for self-PRESERVATION! It’s a survival tactic! (And also the fact that I added extra pillows during my first pregnancy and realized they made my back feel so much better, so I’ve just kept them around.)
[Note: Mr. PearTreeHome has done a number of funny things in his sleep over the years, but I’ll have to share about those in future posts.]
So, we’ve got 5 pillows on the bed for me, 1 for him (don’t let his guilt tactics on only having one pillow fool you- I’ve asked him repeatedly if he wants more pillows and he always says, “No, I’m good.” but then is quick to sound pathetic when this comes up in front of others about how he “only has one pillow.”
We also have 4 additional “decorative” full size pillows and 4 throw pillows….
Yep, it’s official. I think I have some sort of disease and need injections or something….
Is there a pillow “patch” by chance? (That sounds like a miniature version of a pillow that you apply to your arm-like your own portable throw pillow….bwahahah!)
So, if we’ve got this many pillows on our bed, you can assume they are going to be on the couches and chairs downstairs too!
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Throw Pillows: Stuffed Animals for Grown Women
I am a person that doesn’t like a ton of clutter. I can be in other houses and think the knickknacks are really cool, but I just can’t seem to have them in my own home (I have a hard enough time keeping things dusted without tchotchkes around!).
This rule of thumb for keeping things “less cluttered” does NOT apply to my pillows (clearly). I read somebody’s method for minimalistic living some time ago and the first step they spoke of was to immediately put away all of your throw pillows. I didn’t read any further….
This wasn’t the method for me. I’m a girl who NEEDS her pillows.
The only problem with my addiction is that it can become expensive. But if you’ve known me for…oh 10 minutes, you probably know that “expensive” and I aren’t really friends. I have a few DIY tricks up my sleeve to share with you to help you get some cute pillows on the cheap!
Seasonal pillows are not something you can always invest a lot of money in. You only use them for a short period during the year, so it’s hard to justify the initial cost. But, fear not my friends!
Use Place Mats for DIY Throw Pillows
This pillow was made from two place mats I got from A.C.Moore. Best part? They were $1 each! I already had some batting (remember the drop cloth pumpkins I made in this post?) SO, it only cost $2 and just a tiny amount of sewing, and I had a cute pillow.
I timed myself making this pillow. It only took 10 minutes from start to finish.
Here’s How I Made My DIY Throw Pillow:
- The place mat was already hemmed around the edges, so I just used my sewing machine to stitch along the top (following the seam already on the placemat) around most of the perimeter (leaving a little hole to put the stuffing in).
- Next I just stuffed the batting in until I had it pretty fluffy.
- Then I held together the fabric (the hole where I had stuffed the battling in) and sewed the opening shut with the sewing machine
- Easy peasy! (If words like “top stitch,” “sewing machine,” and “hemmed” make you feel the need to start hyperventilating, this, actually, might be a great little project to try! Easy victory with this one, my friend!)
Other Things to Use to Make Pillows
1. Kitchen Dish Towels Make Great Throw Pillows
I got these cute dish towels from the Target Dollar Spot. I thought they would make adorable pillows. (A pack of 2 was $3!)
2. Cloth Napkins Make Great Throw Pillows
Another tip for making your own throw pillows is using napkins (the fabric kind, not the paper). I got two of these tan and white check napkins at a church yard sale for 0.10 each! I used some painter’s drop cloth canvas (read about my love for this stuff here) and some pillow forms I already had (you know, from my small collection-Ahem). So, these pillows cost $0.10 EACH!
I didn’t try it, but I am thinking that the fabric glue I used in this post might work great with these too. (Haven’t tested it, but will have to give it a try at some point!)
[UPDATE: I DID try it! Check out how I made these NO SEW pillows using fabric glue!!]
Tips for Making Your DIY Throw Pillows
1. Sew 3 sides of the pillow
2. Iron Your Pillow Seams
Iron the seams once you have sewed the sides. This will really make your pillow look neat and professional. (I know “iron” is a 4-letter word, but in this case, make an exception. It really will make a difference in the quality of how your pillow looks!)
3. Clip the Corners of Your Pillow Seams
Before you turn the piece right-side out, clip the corners (being careful not to cut into your stitches) to reduce the bulk of fabric in this area.
4. Iron Those Seems Again!
Once you’ve turned your fabric right-side out, iron your seams again to get a crisp, more professional look.
I hope these ideas get you thinking about things you can use to make your own pillows!
Jason Murray says
You failed to mention the fact that the body pillow we got during your first pregnancy conveniently stayed on the bed and now all the pillows are just a barricade to keep me away … 🙁
I’m cry silently inside every night when I go to bed.
Morgan says
You don’t look like you are crying “silently inside every night”- you fall asleep in 45 seconds and are basically in a coma until morning….
I’m onto your guilt tactics, Mr. Pear Tree Home. Hee hee
Julie Briones says
Too funny!
Morgan says
Ha! Thanks Julie!
Shana Branch says
My favorite by far! I might even be able to do this one!
Morgan says
Yay! Thanks so much Shana! Gotta be careful though, it’s addicting! (I’m getting ready to make some Christmas pillows too!)
Great to run into you the other weekend!
Mimi says
Hi Morgan
i,m curious How do you put the letters on
Morgan says
Hi there, Mimi! Thanks for stopping by!
Hmmm…in this post, there were no letters. Could it be that auto correct did a switcher-roo and it was supposed to say “leaves” instead?
If that is the case, the leaves were printed on the $1 placemats I got at A.C.Moore. So, it was a super easy project!
Hope that helps!