I have always, ALWAYS loved Christmas. My grandmother tells me that I come from a long line of ladies that have loved the holidays season. SO, I guess you could say it “runs in the family” and that I just can’t help it….but, I am REALLY getting the itch to decorate for Christmas!
Anyone else? Maybe it’s being pregnant, maybe it’s being excited about projects and wanting to share them with y’all, but whatever it is, I am really wanting to get cracking on planning for the “most wonderful time of the year”.
Anyone else?
I’ve told myself that I’m not allowed to do any Christmas prepping until things are in a better spot with our shared-bedroom makeover. (See post here.) Currently my dining room looks like a FedEx shipping supply zone. I’ve got a mattress in a box (how crazy that they can fit the whole thing in a BOX- the wonders of the “Modern Age” never cease to amaze me!), a loft bed (boxed), and a rug that needs to be returned.
SO thankful that we have this room to put everything! But, it also doesn’t create the most welcoming atmosphere when you enter our home (dining room is the first room you pass as you enter the house). But with all of the waddling and moaning I am doing these days (thank you third “geriatric” pregnancy), I am not sure how welcoming it sounds anyway when an unsuspecting visitor rings the doorbell and hears me trudging down the hall! Ha!
So, what do you do when you are at a bit of a standstill (the hubs won’t let me climb our rickety attic steps right now anyway….I’m not sure WHY. I mean it’s not like I’m klutzy at ALL normally…..even without this big belly! [wink]
Well, it leaves one no choice but to put on some Christmas music and take to the computer to “window shop” and get ideas for decor. Maybe even make a list of a few things to order!
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Here are some things I ran across that I loved and that I think will work wonderfully with many different Christmas decor styles.
I’m from the south, where I think it is probably sacrilegious to NOT have a Christmas wreath hanging on your door come December 1. (I mean, I’m SURE this dates back to Jesus’ birth. Don’t you think that was top of Mary’s mind when delivering the Savior in a stable? “Wait Joseph! If the baby has to be born here, let’s hang a wreath up to at least create a homey, welcoming setting for the shepherds when they visit!” As the mother of two, soon to be three, I’m SURE this is where this tradition originated, hence the necessity of a wreath…..Ha!) Sarcasm aside, this one is lovely:
2. I’m ALL for multipurpose decorations and a pretty garland can be used on a mantle, a stairway, down a table, or on a buffet (really, most anywhere).
This one also stopped me in my tracks (and as an added bonus, it matches the wreath above)!
3. Next to the tree, stockings are the next iconic piece of Christmas decor. These plain ones would match a lot of red decor. I love the texture they add.
4. Regardless of whether your tree is decorated with coordinating ornaments or if it holds memories of collected treasures though the years, you can’t go wrong with a classic “cranberry” garland to create a wonderful finishing touch!
For a bit of whimsy, I’m also quite smitten with this felted one:
5. My last “essential” holiday decor item would have to be candles!I love the cozy feel they give my home each Christmas. Now, I’ve smelled, bought, and burned a LOT of candles over the years and if you buy just ONE Christmas candle, this one is my favorite. It’s the “Fresh Balsam” scent from Bath and Body Works; it is fabulous and fills the whole room.
I didn’t add any Christmas trees to the list, as everyone has their own favorite for what feels “Christmas-y” to them, but don’t believe for a second that I don’t consider those an essential too! (Just putting this here in print so Mr. Pear Tree Home doesn’t get any ideas and think I don’t want him to put up a tree this year since it wasn’t on my “Top 5” list! (Gotta make sure I cover all of my bases! Ha!)
What is your favorite holiday decoration you look forward to putting up each year? Let us know in the comments!
I’ve watched 2 Hallmark Christmas movies already and I’m SO ready to decorate! I think another essential for me are lights!! On the tree of course, but also wrapped with garland on the stairs, or a mantel, or outside…. wherever, just lots of lights!!
Truth! Lights make everything more magical!!!